5 Critical Web Performance Optimizations to Make Your Site Blazing Fast!

In this webinar CTO Guy Podjarny explains five key optimizations that will drastically reduce your page load time. Feel free to post comments on the video or ask questions below.

Blaze is Live! Automated Web Performance Optimization In The Cloud

For the last year we’ve been building our automated Web Performance Optimization (WPO) service and testing it with beta customers. We are pleased to announce that we’ve successfully competed our beta testing and are formally launching our commercial service today.

Android vs. iPhone Study Lessons Learned

Last week we published a report on Mobile browsing performance differences between iPhone and Android. We knew there would be a lot of interest in the story but were completely blown away by the level of coverage this story got. In some part, the escalated coverage was fueled by the controversy around the results.

UPDATE: Embedded Browser vs. Native Browser

Earlier today we released a massive study comparing the performance of iPhone and Android’s Browsers. Our study showed Android’s browser to be 52% faster than iPhone’s. The study stirred a lot of chatter online, as this is a topic close to the heart of many.

iPhone vs. Android – 45,000 Tests Prove Whose Embedded Browser is Faster

iPhone 52% slower than Android, Android speeds past iPhone on 84% of sites*

Mobitest – New and Improved (and Renamed)

As you know, a couple of weeks ago we launched a community service for measuring page load times on mobile devices. It looks like we weren’t the only ones feeling the pain of not having such tools – the traffic and feedback on the service has been overwhelmingly positive.

Mobitest: Measure Mobile Web Performance

Today we’re excited to announce a new community service – Mobitest.
Mobitest is a free service that lets website owners get detailed web page load performance on various mobile devices. Let’s take this sentence apart…
Detailed web page load performance means all the great info we got used to seeing from YSlow, WebPageTest and other tools – but on a phone. This includes load times, waterfall charts, detailed HAR files, video playback and more. This type of information is critical when trying to understand a web page’s performance, and was hard to impossible to obtain for mobile devices.

17 Statistics to Sell Web Performance Optimization

For the converted the benefits of Web Performance Optimization are blatantly obvious.  To name a few: increased conversion rates, increased pageviews, lower server bandwidth costs, increased search engine rankings, and lower website abandonment rates.Web Performance Optimization